Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Globes: Part the Second

Whitney says, "Nuh-uh, child. Listen to your Aunt Whitney. That hair does not look good. I should know."

My favorite shot of the night. I love me some Latifah.

Why was Pam and her watermelon tits there again?

Paul Giamatti doesn't understand either.

Would you please just go away? Your metallic, reptile dress was ridiculous ... your tattoo was oh-so-classy ... you got beeped out for some reason while introducing your daughter ... and you need to find a new plastic surgeon. Seriously. Just go away.

Sweetie, are you sick? Did you fall off the wagon, and that's why you look so terrible? Come to mama and tell me all about it.

Sigh. Oh, Kevin. Whitney says your woman needs to take you in hand.

Gratuitous Matt Dillon shot, to erase the pain.

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is a crazy robot. But I love the accent.

I love Sandra Oh, but she looks like a mouse in this shot.

Oh, honey. Oh, bless your heart.

Click for full image. Most images courtesy of WireImage.

Globes: Part the First

Why was Jenny McCarthy there, again?

"I feel pretty, oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and GAAAAAAAY!"

For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why Fergie was there. Then I realized, duh, Las Vegas is nominated. Still, it's the biggest awards show you'll ever be at Fergie. Couldn't you have at least dressed up?

Ellen, this shot of you really isn't that bad. But during the ceremony, away from flattering lighting, you looked like a hot mess. You're a beautiful girl! I love your show! Why the crazy hair and the weird dress?

I'm just including this one because I love her bracelet.

Alanis, I don't really understand the look you are going for here. The blonde hair is an ... interesting choice. But that dress that makes you look about 52. And the Wonder-Woman power bracelets? Really?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Lindsay Lohan -- Charter Member of the Craptastically Awful Boots Society -- was gracious enough to publicly display her newest acquisition last week (left). These knee-high suede boots, with just the hint of a kitten heel and a lovely tassle, add a much-needed shot of color into the Lohan Collection.


When did the "Lazy Sunday"" video jump the shark? When mainstream media starting gushing about hthe funny, or when NBC decided to broadcast one of those inane "watercooler" radio ads about it? I vote watercooler.

Just goes to show that NBC has no idea how to build buzz through word-of-mouth and the Web. That video was so popular so fast, they could have capitalized on it in so many subtle ways.

Instead, they decided to flog it to death. Way to go, marketing geniuses.